1. | Extinction | 79,675 pts |
2. | green team | 76,815 pts |
3. | Make the Earth Thicc Again | 27,525 pts |
4. | ECO-SLAM | 27,060 pts |
5. | Mighty Morphin SGreen Arrangers | 22,480 pts |
6. | CARE (Compassion Awareness and Responsible Eating) | 21,070 pts |
7. | Wholesome fam | 9,670 pts |
8. | Eat baby basil, Yeet, Repeat | 5,575 pts |
9. | Hermanas for the lorax | 4,120 pts |
10. | SHIP | 855 pts |
Patagonia gear for the top team - full details TBD!